Well the weather is good so we are heading further south to Compass Cay today. There is some heavt weather on it’s way on Monday night through Wednesday/Thursday and we want to get down to Staniel Cay as Leanne and the boys fly out next Saturday
Yesterday was a relaxing day and amazingly some old friends, Arthur and Mamiko, whom we last saw in the US, noticed our boat – they saw the blue flybridge when they were visiting Boo Boo Hill!!! – and they dinghied round to see us. They are moored in the Emerald Rock part of Warderick Wells. So we agreed to meet them later for some snorkelling and then they came round for a decent shower – love that watermaker!! – and dinner which Mary whipped up for us. They left after 9 and dinghied back to their boat by moonlight!
So, probably no internet till late next week some time but hang in there guys…….
Hello and love reading your post/adventure. Take care and can wait to read you again next week.