2011-09-02 A new chapter

Today I start a new chapter in my life. Why? Well it was my last day at work and from here onwards its all one way toward our cruise. Actually, its not my very last day ever! I am not retiring just yet. Only taking a shortish sabbatical, really. We’ll be back next year in April/May and work through the northern hemisphere hurricane season before returning to the Bahamas/Caribbean.

There’s still much to do, so I don’t really have time for this blog, but what the heck????

So what’s to do? Finish packing up the house; arrange change of address with a thousand places – welllll, maybe I exaggerate – just a little bit really; travel to visit the family in the South Island; attend Shannon’s engagement party and then help her through her hip surgery; then return home, finalise with the movers to shift our stuff into storage; then fly out to the USA. Looking at that little list may make you think that there’s not a lot to do but each item entails a dozen others before or after to enable completion! Ah well, as I love to say, focus on the solution and the problem will take care of itself!



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