2011-09-04 Packing for Spring (or Winter)

Anything about the next photo that makes you think we are packing up the house:

The rest of the house looks pretty much the same.

and then outside our lounge we have the first stirrings of spring – note the dwarf maple leaf tree which is still dormant:

So, spring is in the air but our adventure is taking us into winter – albeit a very pleasant, mild, sunny warm, hot Bahamian winter:)

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One Response to 2011-09-04 Packing for Spring (or Winter)

  1. Dominique says:

    Ahhh, the joys of packing! What fun… :) Pity you don’t have a 1 year old there who you can build a fort for with all your boxes! Then again, I imagine it’s easier to pack without a toddler trying to ‘help’ :)